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 “If you’re not a chavista, you’re not Venezuelan”
President Hugo Chávez. June 24. Official ceremony to commemorate the Battle of Carabobo

“The National Armed Forces are chavista
February 2. President Hugo Chávez, in a government speech mandatorily broadcast on radio and TV in commemoration of the 13th anniversary of his rise to power.
February 4. President Hugo Chávez, at the end of the February 4th parade, after receiving the report from Division Commander General Clíver Alcalá Cordones (Army).

“Trained, armed, and chavista compatriots”
February 4. Division (Army) General Clíver Alcalá Cordones, commander of the February 4th military parade, upon giving the corresponding report to President Chávez.

“It is incumbent upon the National Armed Forces to ensure the building of socialism”
February 4. Harangue delivered by President Hugo Chávez to generals and admirals of the National Armed Forces during the civilian-military parade of February 4, 2012.

 “Commander Chávez, without you, nothing”
February 25. Captain Aníbal Brito, commanding officer of the Simón Bolívar (BE-11) training ship, at the ceremony before the training ship set sail.
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