Freedom of expression (content finder) Supreme Court of Justice enforces $5.8 million lien against Globovisión

The Political-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice placed an "enforceable lien” on the assets of the television station Globovisión in the amount of 24,425,216 bolívares (equivalent to US $5,813,953) for having broadcast the events that took place at the Rodeo Prison in June 2011.
According to the station’s legal advisor Ricardo Antela, the sum is "triple the amount of the fine” imposed by the National Telecommunications Commission. He explained that it is “very interesting that just 48 hours after the beginning of an electoral campaign the Political-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice makes a curious decision, very intimidating, very threatening, apparently intending to intimidate us and let us know that we should join the fold in terms of the government’s demands for this election campaign.”